This news is about Ariel Castro, a man who kidnapped three women, raped them and retained them in his house for ten years.
He was sentenced to life imprisonment, but he was found death in his cell on the 3rd September.
He was found hanged in his cell, but they are not quite sure it was a suicide: maybe he died from autoerotic asphyxiation, which is an auto-asphyxiation whereby some people find sexual satisfaction.
He was found with a sheet around his neck and his trousers and boxers down to his knees, which made the doctors think that he was practicing this autoerotic asphyxiation since he didn’t have any suicidal behavior or felt regrets for what he did.
In fact, he declared: "I'm not a monster,
I'm a normal person. I am just sick, I have an addiction."
our opinion, this man was the worst kind of person and we are sure many people
agree with us that he deserved to die. What he did to those three women
inexcusable and he won’t be missed by anybody.
he didn’t regret anything he did, which makes things even worse; he didn’t
regret taking away ten years of three people’s lives by force and even
considering them his ‘wives’.
all agree with Mr. McGinty,
the County Prosecutor, when he called Castro a degenerate molester and a
cowardly monster.