Pussy Riot members attacked in Russian city while eating at McDonald's.


Two members of the dissident Russian punk band Pussy Riot were attacked by a group of men while eating breakfast at a McDonald's restaurant in a Russian city on Thursday.
The unidentified men threw trash and squirted paint at the two band members, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina, who  posted a video of the attack online, which left them with paint smeared over their faces.
Pussy Riot gained international attention in 2012 after members of the band were arrested for performing an expletive-ridden song denouncing Russian President Vladimir Putin in a Russian Orthodox cathedral in Moscow.
The members of the punk group Pussy Riot Russian Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Mary Aliójina today were assaulted by a group of strangers in the city of Nizhny Novgorod.
Counsel indicated that Pussy Riot were attacked by five young when breakfasting on a fast food restaurant. The attack was recorded by surveillance cameras of the establishment.


As we can see, there is no difference between both news. However, first new contains more information than spanish newspaper. Publico doesn´t write about members of Pussy Riot arrested in 2012.
In my opinion, I think that it has been a hooliganism act which is against freedom of expression