The journalist Maxim 
Huerta won 
The Spring Prize of 2014, one of the most prestigious in the Spanish language, for his novel ‘Night Dream’.
He summed up the novel in a story of “people who want to be happy at all costs, sometimes through the right ways and others not.”
He also explained that it represents every type of love: the child kind, the mature and the subsidiary type. 
About this matter, there are differences on the opinions about the winner of the prize.
For example, the newspaper ABC judges this novel as worthy of the prize; however, Europa Press thinks this author isn’t good enough to be next to the other winners, well known people such as Juan José Millás and Fernando Savater. 
In my opinion –without having read the book- I consider that, if the judges have come to the conclusion of giving the prize to this author, it must be good.
However, there are many different likes depending on which person, so the decision is only the opinion of a few people who know about this matter.