A example of how the world sees
Spain is easy to find by watching how TV shows portrays us.
Series such as ‘How I Met Your
Mother’, ‘Lost’, ‘CSI’ or ‘The Unit’ describes Spain as a place where everybody
is loud and impolite.
They also commit serious mistakes
about our culture, such as people speaking Mexican instead of Spanish, or
wearing typical clothes that aren’t ours.
The sitcom ‘How I Met Your Mother’ even created new names for Spanish cities and placed them in a mistook place.
For us, what these TV shows are doing is
disrespectful. We know some of them are only joking, but some other didn’t even
bother in doing research about Spanish culture and just filmed what they think
our life is like.
We would like to ask these directors, would it bother
them if we did the same to them?