Dougie's McFlown! Ellie Goulding announces that she is now single

But it seems Ellie Goulding’s super-secretive relationship with Dougie Poynter has come to an abrupt end.
The 27-year-old Burn singer is now referring to herself as “single”.
Ellie first hooked up with McFly’s cutest member at the Cosmo awards last December.
They both denied the hook-up for what felt like an eternity until Mr Poynter, 26, admitted last month: “We’ve been seeing each other since last year.
"Ellie’s a lovely person and a breath of fresh air in this industry.”
However, it seems he needn’t have bothered.
Ellie has declared her current status in a new interview, explaining: “I used to put men on a pedestal.
“I decided to remedy that, and that’s why I’m single now.
“They would be everything but I’ve realised I don’t need a guy.
“I’ve got amazing, awesome, stupid friends in the best way possible.”
Miss G then tellingly went on to discuss break-ups at length.
Subtle Ellie said: “A lot of despair in breaking up with someone is thinking about how you’re going to cope in the future.
“But not being completely present prevents you from being happy and alive.
“As soon as you stop relying so heavily on what happened in the past, you end up being able to deal with it.”
Let’s just hope poor Dougie isn’t finding out the news now like the rest of us.